Open Interviews

My curiosities in the human condition are never ending. Below are online interview surveys being taken continually as research for future article and podcast episodes. Feel free to pursue and submit at your leisure.

Note: Only those 18 years old and older may submit at this time. You will be required to include your legal name and email address so that I may follow up with you. Any information you submit is considered “on the record”. These details and more are included on the forms, and by adding your name and submitting you are providing consent. Thanks.

Restaurants + Accessibility

In this survey, you mark which factors considered in the creation of restaurants — things like location, lighting and sound design, the menu, etc. — may make the restaurant inaccessible for you. If desired, you can then describe how or why that aspect can make or break a dining experience for you. Learn more at Dis-Ableing Food.

Chronic Pain, Covid-19, and “Active Rest”

Do you live with daily chronic pain? Has your relationship with your pain changed during Covid-19 quarantine, for better or for worse? And are you embracing or resisting productivity during quarantine in a new way, with or in spite of your pain? If so, I’d love to learn about your experience.