Everyone lives in a body. And everyone eats.
But we don’t all live in cookie-cutter kinds of bodies.
And we don’t all cook, dine out, or order in the same ways, either.
As a disabled freelance food writer, I'm chipping away at the intersection of food and bodies. I’m hosting discussions. Collecting surveys. And writing stories about disabled people in hospitality, about how the hospitality industry is not inclusive for disabled people, and the ways disabled people cook and eat at home.
Explore stories and scroll down to join the conversation via surveys for future work.
Some Stories
Be Interviewed!
Image: A dotted yellow circle on white. Inside, the words “Are restaurants inaccessible for you?” with a graphic of a fork and spoon above and a graphic of a collection of various bodies holding hands below. In small words at bottom are #DisabledFood and www.JacquelineRaposo.com/Disabled-Food
Restaurants + Accessibility
Do you often find a restaurant inaccessible for one reason or another? (Or five?!)
In this survey, you mark which factors considered in the creation of restaurants — things like location, lighting and sound design, the menu, etc. — may make the restaurant inaccessible for you. If desired, you can then describe how or why that aspect can make or break a dining experience for you.
The result of this survey will help to quantify inaccessibility touchpoints in public spaces like restaurants. It will help foster conversations about making more truly hospitable public spaces. And it will help contribute a greater presence of disabled people in an area of media space where we are still not being much discussed.
Note: Only those 18 years old and older may submit at this time. By taking this survey, you grant permission for your quantitative entries to be used in all formats and media for all creative and educational purposes.
If you further give permission for your detailed entries to be used and quoted in articles, interviews, presentations, etc., you will be prompted to sign an Acceptance Declaration and include your name and email address so that I may follow up with you. Email any questions. Thank you for your participation!