It’s all about sharing what we learn.

At some point in this weird and wild career of mine, I realized that the only way I could encourage inspiring out of others was if I were equally vulnerable in sharing my story. And so alongside my work as a writer and podcast producer, I speak about food culture, intentional lifestyle, and how to live well with a disabling chronic illness.

Explore some press and speaking samples below. Scroll down for a short bio. And get in touch if interested in booking an interview, workshop, or speaking event.

Click for a playlist of Jacqueline Raposo's speaking events and cooking videos.

Speaking + Creative Collaborations

Find more related to my book or podcasts on their corresponding pages.

Speaking Events

Without Habits - A Path to Purpose — A speaker presentation on habit change and living a simple life with less at the International Arts and Ideas Festival, New Haven.

Panel Talk on Self-Care at The Strand Bookstore — Chronic illness author panelist with chef Missy Robbins, writer Julia Bainbridge, and editor Kat Kinsman (The Me Without book launch).

Off-line Illness — An online workshop for the chronic illness community about fostering healthy relationships with technology.

Gotham on a Plate — Panelist speaking as a freelance food writer alongside David Rosengarten, Adam Platt, Drew Nieporent, and Michael White, moderated by Rozanne Gold at The New School.


Living Without — The Best Advice Show with Zak Rosen

America's Sugar Addiction: Why So Sweet? — Bloomberg’s Material World

The History of MREs with Jacqueline Raposo — Ridiculous History

Habit Change, Chronic Illness, and How Living Without Changed Everything — Chronically Well with Callie Dixon

Happy? If Not, Maybe It's Time to Do Without! — Love & Life with Dr. Karin

Detox from Your Tech - and Everything Else — Tech Bites

How to Throw an Amazing Book Launch Party — Get Published with Paul Brody

“When Can I Say I’ll Be Alone Forever?”The Lonely Hour


Why Podcasters Love Lipstick and PajamasRacked

Why Makeup is a Crucial Tool for Women with Chronic IllnessBustle

The Dos and Don'ts of Dining Out: Food Allergy EditionFood Network

The Proust Nature Questionnaire

Why Do We Breakup Shop?Racked

Cincinnati a Food Town? You Bet Your Sweet BruleeCincinnati Business Courier

Blissful and Benighted: Dispatches From the War of the SexesThe New York Times


Note for organizers: I am not participating at in-person events until further notice. If you’d like to discuss virtual offerings at your event, get in touch!


Removing habits for greater happiness

Available for interviews, panels, or workshops.

Corresponding work: The Me Without

Past collaborations include: Strand Books (NYC), Norwood Arts Club (NYC), International Festival of Arts & Ideas (CT), Suffering the Silence (digital), Wilton Library (CT), R.J. Julia Bookstore (CT), Barrett Books (CT), Designers & Geeks (NYC).


Potential Talking Points:

  • How can questioning our habitual actions increase happiness?

  • How can self-denial be a form of self-care?

  • Is there a middle ground between consumerism and minimalism?

Presentation: What happens when we intentionally remove unwanted habits from our lives for long periods?

40-minute presentation + 15-minute Q&A on the social science behind habit and change. (Can include visuals and book signing.)

Workshop: A low-stimulation virtual workshop.

90-minute digital workshop exploring the removal of one habit. Includes presentation, meditation, writing prompts, and reflection. This is presented live to a limited group of attendees and can be saved/posted for future engagement.

Living well with disabling chronic illness

Available for interviews and panels.

Corresponding work: On Being Ill, The Me Without, Love Bites Radio

Past collaborations include: The International Festival of Arts & Ideas, Death Over Dinner, Strand Bookstore, Suffering the Silence, The Action Network, Tech Bites podcast, The No Text Weekend, Love & Life with Dr. Karin podcast, Chronically Well with Callie Dixon podcast, The Lonely Hour podcast, Racked article.


Potential Talking Points:

  • How can reconsidering habits help us live well with chronic illness? (And why is habit change not a cure?)

  • What are some ways storytelling can help us live well with chronic pain and illness?

  • How can we best love someone with a chronic illness in a romantic relationship?

Disabled freelance writer tips

Available for interviews, panels, or class speaking.

Corresponding work: portfolio.

Past collaborations include: Death Over Dinner, Gotham on a Plate Conference Panelist (The New School, NYC), Taste Talks Panel Moderator (NYC), Forward U.S. Panel Moderator (NYC), NYC Honey Week judge, SOFI Awards Judge (Fancy Food Show, NYC)


Potential Talking Points:

  • What are 5 top takeaways from hundreds upon hundreds of interviews that should every freelance writer should know about?

  • What is “disabled food” and why is it more important than ever to be talking about the intersection of accessibility + food?

  • How can eaters and readers better support slow stories about marginalized voices in hospitality, food, and lifestyle media?

  • How can you become a successful freelance writer in today’s market without becoming a content mill?


Short Bio:

For press and media purposes

Writer and podcast producer Jacqueline Raposo has written hundreds of reported feature stories for publications including Shondaland, Bust, Epicurious, Saveur, Food & Wine, Town & Country, Serious Eats, Foodprint, and The Village Voice. She is the author of the personal growth memoire, The Me, Without, and has produced podcasts for iHeartMedia and Heritage Radio Network. Chronically ill and disabled, she’s passionate about connecting and intersecting ideas, voices, people, and actions into all of the above.


Photos to be used only with photographer credit.