Learn Something Small About Lady Worker Bees in Winter — A Dark + Twisted Seasonal Story!
(Hit the triangle below to play)
An Introduction…
This winter, emotion feels more demanding to me. Those of us in cold winter climates often struggle during these deep winter months, and I hope you have good moments and days, like I do, amongst the darkness. But this winter… this particular powerlessness… how we can’t just be around people? Or show up? Or get it done? Even as a chronically ill and disabled woman used to barriers and building new tools for myself, I can’t shift the unsatisfied, unbridled energy that seems to simmer below some unfinished business in my life.
So, I invite you to turn your attention away from that, with me. Let’s slide into a story and learn from our honeybee friends who also have a hard go, this time of year. And learn something small about their survival and satisfaction.
Listening Suggestions + More…
I make these slow stories with your body in mind. This one was designed for you to listen to when you’re not moving around; when in rest, and warm, and cozy, and enjoying quiet.
Listen with headphones, if possible.
After listening, peruse the resources below — Marina and I have so much more to share about bees, beekeeping, and the glories of honey.
Thanks to Max Falkowitz for being an amazing editor in the months I did much of this original work — and for giving me permission to use his gorgeous photos.
Image: A banner for Learn Something Small with Jacqueline Raposo and a quote from Marina Marchese, Beekeeper, Author, and Honey Sommelier that reads “…you'll see worker bees pushing the drones out. They basically starve to death..."
Bee-hind the Story…
Image: Marina Marchese sitting in front of glasses of honey. Photo courtesy of Howland Blackiston.
This Story’s Featured Guest: The owner of Red Bee honey farm and the undisputed expert and queen bee of honey, Carla Marina Marchese is a member of the Italian National Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey, where she received her formal training as a honey sensory expert. Her book, The Honey Connoisseur co-authored with Kim Flottum (editor of Bee Culture Magazine) parallels the concept of terroir to single-origin honey directly matching floral sources to flavors and conceived the first U.S. honey aroma and flavor wheel. In 2011, Marina establish The American Honey Tasting Society as the leading resource for honey sensory education in the United States. Her third book Honey for Dummies, co-authored with Howland Blackiston will be released in March 2021. Marina is also an accomplished apiculturist and the past president of The Back Yard Beekeepers of Connecticut.
Other resources
Hey Chef, What Can I Do With Honey? — by Jacqueline Raposo for Serious Eats