Chef Shane Lyons on Getting Naughty

 Chef Shane Lyons


In this episode of Love Bites, hosts Jacqueline Raposo and Ben Rosenblatt debate why the process of finding love online can be so exhausting, and why women should feel more empowered to talk about sex without shame. Then chef Shane Lyons of New York’s Distilled joins to spill about how hard cooking professionally is on heart, and whether those women hanging around the chef’s counter are there for the food… or to take home to the man under the toque.


About Shane Lyons

Shane Lyons is a ridiculously talented chef. If Jacqueline could recommend only one tasting menu in NYC, it would be his (click here to read more on her opinions about that). If you want to make some badass popcorn, Shane  has you covered there, too. Spend a night at his TriBeCa restaurant, Distilled, and you'll go home one happy eater. And he's not yet thirty and was a child actor, too. Ladies...?

Shane's also a pretty self-aware dude who traverses the food world with skill and aspiration but also clear lenses -- he's not gonna play into trends or lose a personal connection with his guests for the sake of ego. He gets that the restaurant scene can be ridiculous. He'd rather it just be delicious.


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