Jessica Tom on her novel, FOOD WHORE...

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 OCTOBER 19TH, 2015

We opened the show with a deep discussion on "Offline Dating". When you're so sick of online dating and love your 3-dimensional life, how do you take dating offline? Ben gave Jacqueline some stellar tips (hint, ladies: just give him your number!) that she's going to put into good use now that she's cancelled her online accounts!

Then we chatted up Jessica Tom - whose debut novel, Food Whore, is out October 27th - on if the dark and naughty underbelly of her book was gained from personal experience, how much of the central character is based on her, and how much work it took to get the book from an idea to publication. Plus, we picked her brain about what she learned as the Community Manager of the dating app How About We... and she shared both sweet and scary observations.


About Jessica Tom

Jessica Tom is a writer and food blogger living in Brooklyn. She has worked on initiatives with restaurants, hospitality startups, food trucks, and citywide culinary programs. Jessica attended Yale University and graduated with a concentration in fiction writing, studying three years under Amy Bloom.  Jessica also used to be the Community Director at How About We, the "offline dating site" that encourages users to get out there and do cool things on dates.

You can connect with her at and @jessica_tom.


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