Second Dates or No Dates with Lisa Mendelson

Publicist Lisa Mendelson


On last week’s show, Ben prepared for a date with a woman he’d been hooked up with via a listener! Was he more or less nervous? Where was he gonna take her? This week, we get the scoop on how it went, and how a first date moves on (or doesn’t) to a second.

Then the team is joined by Lisa Mendelson, the Senior PR Manager for design and restaurant group, AvroKo. Lisa (single) shares why she’s okay NOT dating right now, and how handling publicity for a super-creative group affects whether or not she’ll start again any time soon. Have a listen.


About Lisa Mendelson

Lisa Mendelson is  AvroKO's Senior PR Manager, overseeing media relations for AvroKO's design projects, AvroKO Hospitality Group's restaurants, and the company on the whole. She got into public relations over 10 years ago, first working in Washington DC on public affairs campaigns for Google, Hilton Hotels, THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA (!) and more. In 2011, Lisa moved to NYC to work within the wine industry (she's taken those really advanced classes for smart wine people) and then broadened out to work with restaurants and chefs in general.

In her free time, Lisa loves to cook and bake, and plays the piano. To work off all the calories she gets to inhale at AvroKO's Public, Saxon & Parole,  Genuine, Madam Geneva's and The Daily (all amazingly delicious - GO!), she swims, takes walks in Central Park, and does that insane PX90X3 training thing at home.



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