Boring 1st Dates and Pastry Chef Paulette!

WCR 2015, Women Chefs and Restaurateurs, Jacqueline Raposo. WordsFoodArt, female chefs, WCR coverage,


After subsequent shows on embracing our imperfections, facing our relationship patterns and moving boldly into the future with that knowledge at hand, it’s time for the team to apply what we’ve learned to our dating lives. So in our first segment, we catch up on our recent dating scenes, and discuss a shared hatred: boring first-date conversations (which, fittingly, was the subject of last week’s Modern Love column). How can we be bolder in sparking engaging conversations? How can we apply what we’ve learned from our live therapy sessions to maybe change our path a smidge?

Then we’re joined by the boldest, brassiest pastry chef we know, Paulette Goto. She was the supportive force behind our Why We Didn’t Work series, and is the kind of friend everyone should have when they need a bit of (not too subtle) prompting for living without shame or apology. Paulette shares how she became so self-assured, what vulnerabilities she deals with still, and how this all plays into pastry.


About Paulette Goto

Paulette Goto graduated from the top of her Pastry Arts class at the French Culinary Institute where she was awarded the Andre Soltner Award of Excellence. She has worked with some of the fanciest pantsiest chefs in the industry, and has worked all around the world in locations we're insanely jealous about (think Austria, Aruba, South Africa, Switzerland... we could obnoxiously go on and on).

The woman love sugar. She does. It makes her super sweet inside and the perfect person for when life's got you down and you need some spoiling. And her busty language and unstoppable sense of humor makes her one hell of a media lady, so she's aptly been scooped up for the Cooking Channel's "Unique Sweets" and as a judge on the Food Network's "Sugardome", "King of Cones" and "Beat Bobby Flay."

You can find Paulette on her website, Polly Cooks and Eats, and on Twitter and Instagram.


"Why We Didn't Work"


"Why We Didn't Work" with Diana Gasperoni