Baggage and Young Love with Chef Thiago Silva


Brent Herrig Photography

February 29th

What is baggage, and how responsible are we for losing it before we start a new relationship? On today's show, we explore the experiences that stay with us from one dating relationship to another, and how we can move on from it. Should we wait until we're fully ready to immerse ourselves in something new? How open should we be with a potential mate about negative experiences we may still be holding onto? And what does it take to really, truly get over someone or some burn?Then, we're joined by pastry chef Thiago Silva - the creator of the Cinnamon Roll Donut - who, fortunately for him, hasn't had to worry much about past relationship baggage; he met his wife when they were nine years old! How has his relationship grown alongside his pastry career? What road bumps did they hit, and what sacrifices have they made? And what does he see for his professional future, when he's in between restaurants and has baby #2 on the way? Tune in to find out, and stay on board through the end of the show, where we each share our best bite or drink of the week, and where you can snag it.


About Thiago Silva

Thiago Silva was born in Brasil and raised in Queens, New York. He is a graduate of C-CAP -- Careers through Culinary Arts -- to which he donated is 2015 winnings from the Fabulous Baker Boys episode of Chopped.Most recently the executive pastry chef for EMM Group, Thiago is currently hot on the scene for inventing the Cinnamon Roll Donut, where a cinnamon roll bakes inside a donut while it fries! Holy shit! You can check out how it's made here, and find more of Thiago's sweet pastry love on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.  


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