The Bro Show! with Andrew McLeod, Nick Guitart, and Dan Raposo

September 12th

Holy testosterone!  Jacqueline's out of the country and Ben has invited some fellas into the studio to get REAL about... um... dude stuff.  Ladies:  Ever wonder how men talk about you when you're not around?  Guys:  Ever wonder if/when it's cool to let your sensitive side show around your bros?On today's show, hear the out-and-out, unadulterated TRUTH from four humans with Y chromosomes.  Joined by regular guest Andrew McLeod (sales manager for Union Beer Distributors), Nick Guitart (General Manager of Big Daddy's restaurant and Ben's sometime boss) and, in a hilarious twist of fate, Jacqueline's real-life bro Dan Raposo, we'll explore men's deepest insecurities, frustrations and confusion concerning the opposite sex, and the under-discussed dating difficulties facing men in today's society.



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