There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters!


November 28th

How do the relationships we form with our siblings shape us as adults? What happens when we don't identify with the roles our parents assign us within our sibling group? And how do our relationships with our siblings change as our parents age?

On today's show, Jacqueline's sisters Jessica and Maggie Raposo join to share stories about how growing up as a team of four siblings affected their growth into adulthood, and the relationships they've developed to this day. How do varying ages, professions, and roles within the family unit shape memories and personality traits? Why is the sibling bond one of such lifelong strength and struggle? Tune in to find out, in the fourth of our series exploring family love.

Jacqueline, Maggie, and Jessica Raposo

About Jessica Raposo

Dr. Jessica Raposo is the Coordinator of Music for Indiana University East in Richmond, Indiana. She has earned music degrees from the University of Michigan, the Royal Academy of Music in London, and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. She has taught at various colleges, conducted the flute choirs of the Stamford Young Artists Philharmonic Association, and has played as a flutist and piccoloist with the Vancouver Symphony, the Burnaby Symphony, and the Rome Festival Orchestra, as well as in chamber ensembles … we I could go on. Let’s just conclude that she’s definitely the eldest sibling of our family and the most scholastically accomplished by far. Find out more at and on Twitter.

About Maggie Raposo

Eight years younger than Jess is our Lil Sis Maggie. Maggie has a Bachelors of Science degree in photography from the Savannah College of Art and Design, and a massage therapy degree from The Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy. She’s now a therapist and manager at Cosmic Groove in Asheville, North Carolina, and the proprietress behind Mug Hug Crafts on Etsy.


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