The Art of Breaking Up
March 13th
On today's show, we discussed the fine art of breaking up with writer and fellow Heritage host Sari Kamin. And as is our new break-the-tension tactic, we split the midde of the show with a game: Breakup Mad Libs.
Combing the internet for a source so that I didn't have to expend precious creativity and make up my own, I discovered many duds. And then a minefield. is a "collaborative community" where artists can work together to create and fund creative projects. The Art of Breaking Up -- currently in production by a team of six -- will combine games, recipes, poems, personal stories, and artwork from contributors surrounding the subject of our current show. Their December writing prompt asked contributors to write a Mad Libs-style breakup letter, and we've pilfered one to play with on-air today. But the world they're building for their book is fascinating to observe, and it stands ready if you're also curious and want to explore.
Hit HERE to be directed to the project, and stay tuned as we try to get their team on the line in the future.
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