Feminism, Feature Articles, Hospitality, B2C Jacqueline Raposo Feminism, Feature Articles, Hospitality, B2C Jacqueline Raposo

Meet the Women Who've Served Up 40 Years of Feminist Food

Bloodroot, a vegan, feminist, activist restaurant, owned by lesbians Selma Miriam and Noel Furie in Bridgeport, Connecticut, has thrived for 42 years. Now Miriam and Furie fear for the current state of both politics and political food, and worry whether the torch they've carried will be blown out.

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Hospitality, Food & Cooking, Illness & Disabiliy Jacqueline Raposo Hospitality, Food & Cooking, Illness & Disabiliy Jacqueline Raposo

What Happens When an All-Star Pastry Chef Kicks White Sugar Out of His Kitchen?

For Miro Uskokovic, the Serbian-born pastry chef of Gramercy Tavern in New York, sugar always meant one thing: a pure-white crystal. Then, he was diagnosed with Crohn's, a chronic inflammatory disease that targets the lining of the digestive tract. He started to explore how sugar affected his digestive symptoms, which led him to question what it was doing for his guests.

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