SURVEY: Women, Illness, Weight Loss or Gain, and Body Image Issues
Sick and Skinny:
Body Image Issues in Women Undergoing Medical Treatment and Illness
This photo was taken when I was 105 pounds and very, very sick. When I "got better", I gained back 20 pounds and was happy and healthy. When another wave of symptoms came on, my weight went the other way, and I gained 25 more pounds. This fluctuation completely changed both my own body image perceptions and how other looked at and spoke to me.
I'm currently working on a magazine piece about how weight loss or gain during illness can be an extremely hard emotional struggle for women. I'm bringing in outside sources via research, interviews, and an online survey of other women who have experienced serious illness and lost or gained weight as a result before diagnosis, during treatment, or post return to health.
If you or a woman you know has experienced a serious illness, please take this survey. It's a quick 10 questions and 100% anonymous.
And please share with friends.
Happy holidays, in "good health or bad",
- Jacqueline