“All's Fair in War and Lasting Love”
Image description: A vintage black-and-white wedding photo of Dorothy and Frank DeVito - two young white Italian Americans - wearing their wedding ensembles, kissing.
Celebrating the Service of women through the stories of the veterans who loved them.
Ep 11: Feb 14, 2020
Wait, but how did the food get made in World War 2?
Every veteran we’ve sat with this season has gushed about the “love of their life” -- the woman who worked hard at the hospital or factory or office or homestead and dutifully penned letters while they were away in the Service. They’ve wowed us with not only their love’s origin story, but the lifetime commitment they kept. And we’ve sat with them as they’ve missed and mourned that loved one -- coincidentally, the majority of our veterans this season are widowers.
And so in this episode, Frank Devita, John Bistrica, Ray Stanley Boutwell, Norman Rubin, and Pat D’Ambrosio return to tell a little about the women who made their life so complete. We share their stories simply, in a tribute to those who so supported them during the war, and long after.
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Steve Lubetkin, Steve Jackson, and Junni Ramocan engineered interviews for this episode.
Behind The Episode:
Our Deepest Fears Realized: Most Couples Meet Online Now. Read at Vice.
How does dating nowadays stack up to the 1940s?Check out this deep dive by Stanford University's Michael Rosenfeld: Disintermediating your friends: How Online Dating in the United States displaces other ways of meeting
Some grim stuff about marriage and divorce since WWII by the smart people at UPenn.
For something totally not uplifting, check out "The unromantic, untold story of the great US divorce spree of 1946" at Quartz
So, bad news: 3 of the top 10 jobs reporting high divorce rates are those in the armed forces. Check out the stats at MarketWatch and LawInfo.
But, good news: There are so many other factors involved that it's sorta too hard to jump to conclusions, according to this University of Florida post. Things like whether or not you're making good money and have a stable job/home in the military is pretty on par with if you have/don't have those things as a civilian so... read on.
Listen to an extra segment that didn't fit into this episode - George Hardy talking about traveling the world during his service, and the women who loved him.
Listen to Pat and Hansine D'Ambrosio on Love Bites Radio on Heritage Radio Network
See more photos from this episode at ServicePodcast.org
Image description: photograph of the envelope to a letter from John Bistrica to his future wife, Ann, stamped by the U.S. Army December 8, 1943.
Image description: A black and white photo of a young Navy cook Ray Stanley Boutwell and his wife, Rosemarie. They are a young white couple looking slightly outside the frame of the camera and smiling. She is wearing a sharp suit with a large corsage pinned to the lapel, and a black hat with rhinestone decorations over her short, curled hair. He is wearing his Navy uniform and cap.